Coming Together: A Wedding Blog

Coming Together: A Wedding Blog

Things To Check Before You Make Your Entrance From The Hayloft

Martha Montgomery

Choosing to have your wedding and reception in a barn presents you with a number of unique ways to use this space. Where the reception is concerned, it's common for the newly married couple to make a grand entrance to the applause of those in attendance. While you and your new spouse can certainly walk in the main door, another option is to gather in the hayloft above the barn and then walk down the stairs as the group watches. If this idea appeals to you, visiting the barn in advance and checking out the possibilities will be a good idea. Here are some particular things to check.

Ease Of The Stairs

The groom might have no trouble coming down the stairs from the hayloft to the main level of the barn, but this could be a different story for a bride in high heels. Practicing using the stairs in advance — making sure to wear the shoes that you'll be wearing on your wedding — will give you confidence in your ability to make this dramatic entrance when the time comes.

Access To The Hayloft

There's little doubt that walking down from the hayloft can be an exciting moment for everyone, but it's useful to look into the access to this space. Often, the reception gets going for a few minutes before the newly married couple arrives. You don't want to have to hang out in the hayloft for a while as your guests arrive, nor do you necessarily want to arrive at the barn and tell everyone to close their eyes while you climb up to the hayloft so that you can soon come back down. A hayloft that has a couple of access points can be ideal, as you can arrive and get into the barn through a back entrance and make your way up to the hayloft without anyone spotting you.

Position Of The Stairs

Take note of where the stairs are situated in the barn and assess how easy it will be for your gathered guests to watch you come down the stairs. Different barns have different layouts, so it's ideal to choose a barn that has a large opening around the base of the stairs. In this scenario, your emcee will be able to encourage your guests to stand in this area — perhaps forming a semicircle — and watch you and your new spouse come down the stairs.

Contact a company like Saxon Manor for more information about planning a barn wedding.


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Coming Together: A Wedding Blog

Your wedding day is one you will always remember. You and your partner are finally coming together and making a commitment to each other in front of friends and family members. But before the day comes, there are a hundred different decisions to make. Where will you hold the wedding? What will you wear? What dishes should be served at the reception? It can all be overwhelming, but the more you learn, the better off you will be. You can start learning more about weddings by reading the articles provided right here. We want to help your special day become the one you've always dreamed of.
